March 9, 2025
Sunday September 15, 1963, a white man placed a box under the steps of the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama. The explosives inside the box detonated, shattering the church building. Parents rushed to a Sunday School room and saw the remains of four Black girls who were killed in the blast: Denise, 11, Addie, 14, Carole, 14 and Cynthia, 14. The church was a center for the Civil Rights Movement to eradicate segregation. But the girls, dressed in white, were only excitedly anticipating leading the adult service that day, Youth Day. Some of the parents of the slain had been discussing in their class, “The Love that Forgives.”
Two other Black children would die that day: Johnny, 16, was shot by police as he ran down an alley. Virgil, 13, was shot by white youths as he rode his bicycle. America was shocked.
The events helped trigger the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibiting discrimination based on race, color, religion, gender or national origin. Of course, the act does no good unless we learn to love all people.
Sunday I’m preaching on “Love All” from James 2:1-12. We’ll look at “Have No Prejudice,” verses 1-9; and “Be Free to Love,” verses 10-12. While our nation is sharply divided along political lines, we must not forget to love everyone. Please join us Sunday as we learn to love together through the Spirit’s power.
Jim Meek
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