• El Camino Baptist Church - 2805 El Camino Avenue, Sacramento, CA 95821
  • Be Free - Dr. Jim Meek's July Sermon Series
  • John 8:36
  • Deuteronomy 6:4-5
  • Join us for the Lord's Supper on Sunday, August 18th during our Worship Service
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  • Men's Prayer Breakfast - 1st Saturday of the Month - Fellowship Hall - 8 am - Join us!
  • Women's Ministry Saturday Coffee - 9 am - Second Saturday of the Month - June-August
  • Check Out Our Spiritual Growth Seminars - Click on the graphic for more information and to register!


July 28, 2024

Humanly speaking, the U.S. came close to losing its attempt at becoming a nation.  It was fighting against the greatest empire in the world and against the kind of army that would soon defeat Napoleon.

By God’s grace the French joined our efforts, and we developed the Articles of Confederation, giving us a guideline as a nation.   But we needed a victory in the field.

On June 28, 1778 we got that victory!  Washington was able to send the British army packing in a close contest called the Battle of Monmouth.  He then became known as the Father of His Country.  After the battle he wrote:

“The hand of Providence has been so conspicuous in all this that he must be worse than an infidel that lacks faith, and more than wicked that has not gratitude enough to acknowledge his obligations – but it will be time enough for me to turn preacher when my present appointment ceases and therefore I shall add no more on the Doctrine of Providence.”

Of course, “Providence” is God.  Washington was saying that God had freed Americans to be victorious. He can do that for us today!


Sunday I’m preaching on “Be Free to Be Victorious” from Judges 15:11-20.  It’s the story of Samson defeating the Philistines.  We’ll talk about “Work through Internal Betrayal,” verses 11-13; and “Work through the Spirit,” verses 14-20.

If you’ve ever felt defeated in life or simply bored, depressed, unneeded or unloved, this sermon is for you.  If you feel triumphant all the time, then come and support us as we seek the freedom to be victorious!

We’ve had wonderful decisions for Christ in Vacation Bible School!  I’m looking forward to baptizing those who’ve responded to God’s call.  Thanks for helping and praying!


Jim Meek


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