January 19, 2025
January 19, 2025
It’s been a tough year for the San Francisco 49er football team. Last year the men barely lost the Super Bowl in overtime. This year they didn’t even make the playoffs. Yet they experienced an incredible bright spot. Their rookie, Ricky Pearsall, made a reception at Levi stadium that inspired a standing ovation. He had been shot in the chest 7 weeks earlier during a robbery in Union Square. Yet, on November 10, in a game against Detroit he made 8 receptions including a touchdown. He said that the best part of the season, however, was the relationships he developed on the team. Then he said, “Everything happens for a reason, and God has a plan.”
Ricky had to start over after having been shot. But he went on to have a wonderful season. And he’s just getting started!
We can start over through God’s grace. Paul said, “For I am confident of this very thing, that he who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Jesus Christ.” In other words, if you’ve given your life to Christ, he’ll not drop you!
Jeremiah wrote,
The Lord’s love never ceases.
His compassions never fail.
They are new every morning;
Great is Your faithfulness.
That means that every day we get a fresh start. So, let’s have a new heart for a new start; a new way for a new day.
Sunday I’m preaching on “Start over and Keep Going” from 1 Timothy 1:12-20. We’ll look at “Receive Mercy,” verses 12-16; “Give Glory to God,” verse 17; and “Stay Faithful,” verses 18-20. Paul is equipping young Timothy on how to lead the church in Ephesus, telling him to teach the church the beauty of starting all over again through God’s grace, and to keep going.
Please come and learn and worship with us this Sunday, and get a new heart for a new start!
Jim Meek
Join us for Bible Study and Worship Service
9 am - Bible Study for all ages
Pastor Jim's Adult Bible Study is live streamed on Facebook:
10:30 am - Worship Service
live streamed on Facebook:
5:15-6 pm - Wednesday Night Dinner
6:00 PM - Awana
6:15 pm Bible Study - Adults
Pastor Jim's Wednesday Night Bible Study is live streamed on Facebook:
10:30 am - Women's Life Group and Prayer - Bldg. 100, Women's Center
Daily Devotionals with
Pastor Jim Meek!
Join us Tuesday through Saturday 10:00 am for an inspiration devotional message from Dr. Jim Meek
Live steamed on Facebook:
Behold Your King
Studies in Matthew
Taught by Dr. Jim Meek
6:15 pm, Suite E
We want to thank all of you for your faithful financial support of El Camino Baptist Church. Your faithfulness helps us continue to share the Word of God in our community, state, and the world!
Your 2024 Giving Statements are available for you. You may pick them up in the lobby on Sunday, January 19th or 26th, or we will mail them to your physical address by the end of January. Please complete the form below to let us know if you have had a mailing address change. If we do not hear from you , we will mail them to the address we have on file.
Please click here or on the graphic below to update your mailing address.
All Aboard!
Join us in Old Town Sacramento to explore the history of railroads in California and the West!
This very special guided tour for our ECBC kids and their families is something you won’t want to miss! Invite your friends and neighbors, too. But don’t delay…space is limited!
Saturday, January 25, 2025, 10:00 am – 12:30 pm
This is a free event for both children and their friends and family.
Children under 5 years old must be accompanied by a parent.
Please either send lunch from home or money to purchase food from a nearby restaurant.
Business Meeting, January 26, 2025,
1:30 pm, Worship Center
El Camino Baptist Church members, please attend our business meeting. We will present important information and items on which we need your vote.
Come and Sing and Make Melody to the Lord With Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs
Accompanied by the Grateful Brass with Pastor Jim and Nancie on
Saturday, January 25, 2:00 p.m., Suite E
Pastor Jim's sermon notes are on the YouVersion Bible App under the Live Events.
- In the app, go to "More" then Events
- If you are local to the Sacramento area, you should be able to find the event for El Camino Baptist Church.
Our sermons are recorded and available on our website and our Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/elcaminobaptistchurch/videos). You may also request a complementary DVD. Just email or call the church office and give the date of the sermon and your mailing address and we'll get one out to you as soon as possible. Please allow 7-10 business days to receive it. You may also pick it up in the office once you are notified it is ready. Thank you!
Join us for our
Visitation Ministry
Thursdays, 3 pm
Meet in the church office
5:15 - 6 pm in the Fellowship Hall.
Suggested donation $5 per Adult and child/youth over 10 years of age / $2 per child under 10
Connie Lewis and team will prepare our meal for us
Menu: Sloppy Joes, coleslaw, chips, and dessert
Questions? Call the church office (916) 488-1522
Directory Update
We want to be sure we can keep in touch with you in order to minister to your needs. Please help us by updating your contact information. Simply click on the link below and complete the Directory Update Form. Thank you!
Have You Lost Something? 
We have lots of items (Bibles, ear buds, keys, and many other things) that have been turned into the office. If you have lost something, please stop by the church office during normal operating hours and check our Lost and Found! You may find your long, lost treasure! Questions? Call the church office, (916) 488-1522.
January 2025
1/20 – MLK Holiday – Church Office Closed
1/21 – Finance Committee Meeting – 5:30 pm – conference room
1/25 - ECBC Kids' Ministry tour of the California State Railroad Museum
1/25 - Sing Praises with the Grateful Brass - Suite E
1/26 – Church Business Meeting – 1:30 pm – Worship Center
1/28 – Personnel Committee Meeting – 6:00 pm – conference room