February 16, 2025
February 16, 2025
Franklin Roosevelt served as the President of the United States longer than any other human (1933-1945). His first two terms were dedicated to fighting the Great Depression. His third and fourth terms were spent fighting the Axis Powers during World War II. He died while in office on April 12,1945 at the age of 63. The German leadership was said to rejoice, seeing the death as a sign that things would turn around, even as allied troops were closing in on Berlin. The Japanese, on the other hand, were sympathetic towards the U.S. while fearing that the death would increase U.S. resolve.
When Vice President Harry Truman learned that he was suddenly President, he said that he felt as if “the moon, the stars and all the planets had fallen” on him. Yet he publicly expressed his dependance on God. In fact, he expressed his reliance on God as much if not more than any other President.
This month I’m preaching on “Celebrate God’s Love with Others,” and, in light of President’s Day weekend, I’m preaching on “Celebrate God’s Love with Your Nation” from 1 Chronicles 17:16-27. We’ll join King David in his praise of God as we talk about “Be Humble before God,” verses 16-19; “Acknowledge God’s Greatness,” verse 20; “Thank God for His Favors to Your Nation,” verses 21-22; and “Have Faith in God’s Future Blessings,” verses 23-27.
God has truly blessed our nation. A clerk in the grocery store told me the other day that she’s disgusted with our nation and wishes she could live on the other side of the pond (“the pond” is a British expression for the Atlantic Ocean). I was surprised! I remembered talking to a man from England who said, “The best place to be in England is on a plane to America.” I agree with him!
Please come Sunday and celebrate your love for the United States of America, and especially your love for God.
Jim Meek
Join us for Bible Study and Worship Service
9 am - Bible Study for all ages
Pastor Jim's Adult Bible Study is live streamed on Facebook:
10:30 am - Worship Service
live streamed on Facebook:
5:15-6 pm - Wednesday Night Dinner
6:00 PM - Youth
6:15 pm Bible Study - Adults
Pastor Jim's Wednesday Night Bible Study is live streamed on Facebook:
10:30 am - Women's Life Group and Prayer - Bldg. 100, Women's Center
Wednesday Night Dinner February 19th - Youth Fundraiser
5:30 pm, Fellowship Hall
$5 donation per adult, child over 10, and youth
$2 per child 10 and under
Our Youth will be preparing our meal for us
Menu: Baked potato bar with all the fixin’s, sides, and dessert.
This will be a fund raiser for our Youth Summer Camp. This will help defray the costs and help our students attend that might not otherwise.
Please come and support our youth!
New member? Just been baptized? Regular attender considering membership?
Want to find out more about membership at El Camino Baptist Church?
Please join us for our New Beginnings: Exploring Membership Seminar, February 23rd, 5-7 pm in the church office conference room.
Use the QR code to reserve your spot now, or call the church office for more information and to register.
Youth Movie Night!
Friday, February 28th, 6:30 pm - 9 pm, Youth Center
Join us for this fun time!
Contact Jafet Estevez for more information!
New Curriculum for Women's Bible Study!
Our Women's Bible Study will begin using Rightnow Media as their curriculum!
Join our women as they begin these new studies. The first lesson will be March 2, 2025, 9 am in the Women's Classroom. They will begin with a two session study on prayer with the video guest speaker, JD Greear, facilitated by Judith Elson.
The next study will be looking at Paul's Letters, but the "guest speakers" in the videos will be a true treat! Join them on March 16th for this fascinating study!
Questions? Call the church office!
Daily Devotionals with
Pastor Jim Meek!
Join us Tuesday through Saturday 10:00 am for an inspiration devotional message from Dr. Jim Meek
Live steamed on Facebook:
Behold Your King
Studies in Matthew
Taught by Dr. Jim Meek
6:15 pm, Suite E
Pastor Jim's sermon notes are on the YouVersion Bible App under the Live Events.
- In the app, go to "More" then Events
- If you are local to the Sacramento area, you should be able to find the event for El Camino Baptist Church.
Our sermons are recorded and available on our website and our Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/elcaminobaptistchurch/videos). You may also request a complementary DVD. Just email or call the church office and give the date of the sermon and your mailing address and we'll get one out to you as soon as possible. Please allow 7-10 business days to receive it. You may also pick it up in the office once you are notified it is ready. Thank you!
Join us for our
Visitation Ministry
Thursdays, 3 pm
Meet in the church office
5:15 - 6 pm in the Fellowship Hall.
Suggested donation $5 per Adult and child/youth over 10 years of age / $2 per child under 10
Grace House Ministries will prepare our meal
Questions? Call the church office (916) 488-1522
Directory Update
We want to be sure we can keep in touch with you in order to minister to your needs. Please help us by updating your contact information. Simply click on the link below and complete the Directory Update Form. Thank you!
Have You Lost Something? 
We have lots of items (Bibles, ear buds, keys, and many other things) that have been turned into the office. If you have lost something, please stop by the church office during normal operating hours and check our Lost and Found! You may find your long, lost treasure! Questions? Call the church office, (916) 488-1522.
2/17 - Church office Closed for Presidents' Day
2/23 - By-Laws Committee Meeting - 1 pm - Women's Center
2/23 - New Beginnings: Exploring Membership Seminar - 5-7 pm - Conference Room
2/25 - Personnel Committee Meeting - 6 pm - Conference Room
2/27 - Finance Committee Meeting - 5:30 pm - Conference Room
3/1 – Men’s Ministry Prayer Breakfast – 8 am Fellowship Hall
3/2 – Annie Armstrong Missions Offering
3/2 – Missions Committee – 12 pm – conference room
3/8 – Women’s Ministry Breakfast – 9 am – Fellowship Hall
3/8 – Youth Snow Day
3/9 – Spring Forward – Daylight Savings Time begins
3/9 – VBS Teacher Kick Off Luncheon – 12 noon
3/11 – Nominating Committee Meeting – 10:30 am – Conference Room
3/11 – Deacons’ Meeting – 6 pm – conference room
3/15 – VBS Training -8:45 am – Fourteenth Avenue Baptist Church
3/16 & 3/23 – Next Steps: Exploring Spiritual Gifts Seminar – 5-6 pm – conference room
3/18 – Finance Committee Meeting – 5:30 pm – conference room
3/23 – By-Laws Committee Meeting – 1 pm – Women’s Center
3/25 – Personnel Committee Meeting – 6 pm – conference room
3/29 – Big Band/Swing Concert – 1-3 pm – Worship Center